"Significant! Notable! A Story For the Times!
Powerful Imagery and Abundant Photography! "
This fable is ...
... the story of one man's "wake-up call, his remembrance of who he is.
... a metaphor for the awakening consciousness of mankind.
This book is ...
... for people of all ages, a keepsake to last a lifetime.
... multi-layered, designed to create "ah-ha" moments in its readers
... full of hidden surprises and meanings that will reveal themselves over time.
The photography is ...
images of wildlife and aquatic life never before published.
... compelling, story-telling, humorous, beautiful.
listed as a "new and Notable" book of Sept 2009
11:11 Magazine ..."beautiful images of nature, animals, and paintings touch the heart as a journey of man is portrayed...there will be a resonance to the words that unfold..." Jeff Ferrannini
Hugh Gilbert, Author & Lecturer, "Donna has masterfully woven a simple yet profound tale of how the future will be won, not by learning who we are, but by remembering who we are."
" this remarkable fable is a renewal of hope. ..the solution to the psychological imprisonment of the Man (and western humanity) seems too simple. Yet, listening to the Inner Voice and making the choice to recover the lost "boy who can fly" is the key!..the significance of this fable is heightened by the powerful imagery of the author and the moving abundant photography of Daryl Pritchard.
Donna Marie Pritchard | Email: donnapsavage@live.com | 24 Hour Message Center: 803-360-6255
All content on this website is the property and copyright of Donna Marie Pritchard. Any use or reproduction of this material without expressed permission is punishable by Federal Law.
"The most important thing ... is to give
up who you are for who you can become."